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Berimbau Twine Now Available

Berimbau Twine Gingando Wholesale now stocks Berimbau Twine. Our twine is 3mm thick which gives you the versitility to use it in single strand or double up for more duarbility, also depending on the size of the holes in your Cabaças. Made from 100% hemp the twine boasts great strengthRead More

Another Great Custom Order

Custom Order Cords Even during this time of the pandemic many Capoeira schools are getting ready for the upcoming season of well deserved Batizado’s and Formaturas. Just in these past couple weeks Gingando Wholesale recieved an order for 180 Pre-Coloured Cords. After a total if 360 knots to be tiedRead More

2020 Updating Our Products

A New Decade and Some New Designs Since the start of 2020 we have been working thrugh some of our products and starting to make updates to match with new trends. If you don’t see what you are looking for on our site just yet, please do send us anRead More

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